mardi 18 mai 2010

Share With Care On Hubticle

How can we get what we want?

Hubticle is trying to solve this very simple problem.

With the web 1.0 we had the power to communicate.

Web 2.0 gave us the power to broadcast.

But now, as everyone can broadcast the Web is becoming a big noise.

We get hundreds of emails, notifications, pings, rss feeds each month that we don't want to read. Some people on networks that we thought they would be interesting turn to be our number one source of spams. We all wish we'd get only relevant things in our mailbox

This is what Hubticle is about.

First, not everyone is equal to you.

Hubticle gives you the possibility to specify how interesting the members are for you. Using that information the platform will notify you only when the people valuable for you are posting something on the network.

Secondly, not everything is equal for them

When they post a link on Hubticle your connections have to tell how much relevant the link is for them. That way we know even more accurately what post should have a value for you and what you would probably never want to see.

Thirdly, we let you tell us what is your relevance degree

It's up to you to literally adjust the cursor on how interesting you would like your notifications.

And there's the formula

Importance of people x Relevance of a link for those people = Relevance for you

This is how we achieve to provide a platorm for people who want to share with care.

Please go try Hubticle, that'll make me happy :)

vendredi 7 mai 2010

Firefox plugin development

That was painful to learn in a night but I finally achieved to do the V 0.1 of my module.
Gotta work more with the XUL now.
Not for myself. XUL sounds so much like a Star Wars planet.

jeudi 29 avril 2010

3 Weeks Without a Phone

It feels great.

Africa x TED x Development

I'd like to know if there is some kind of TED focusing on African Development.
Some kind of platform where you would find a lot of material explaining how to harvest, cultivate, build, construct...
A place for knowledge as convivial as that website.

jeudi 22 avril 2010

Simplicity prevails: TALKI

Using FB connect or other login services you can have a forum without coding:
I like the simplicity of implementation.
Plug & Play integration.

vendredi 16 avril 2010


I just read this today.

Ning said no more free networks, everyone has to pay now.

That is something that we're always telling to our clients / prospects. Why would you pay for a solution (Etheryl) instead of going to some kind of free service on the web?

Because we work for you, they don't.

We ask money because we know we need some to provide you a good service. They try to replace that with something you might not like (ads, selling data).

mardi 13 avril 2010

I like: FiltrBox

I only discovered this company today, doing some competition analysis.
As I said before Yesterday's web war was to get the power to broadcast. Today, what people want is the power to filter. I guess we'll see more and more companies like FiltrBox in the next months.
Congrats Jive, that's a smart move